Understanding Pre-freshman Transfer Credit

College-level classes that you have taken before you matriculate can sometimes count for transfer credit at Vanderbilt. This transfer credit may count toward AXLE and graduation. To determine if your prior coursework is eligible, consult the "Pre-freshman Credit" section of the University Registrar's "Transfer Credit" page. If you believe your prior coursework is eligible for pre-freshman credit, follow the directions on the same page for submitting the classes for evaluation to the University Registrar.

Important notes:

- Classes taken the summer after you matriculate (i.e. the summer before your first year at Vanderbilt starts) are not eligible for pre-freshman credit.

- Transfer credit differs from AP, IB, and other pre-college test credit in that it may count towards AXLE.

**Pre-freshman credit must be resolved PRIOR to the first day of classes.**
