Disabled Person Parking Placards & Plates

A qualified permanently disabled person may obtain a Disabled Person (DP) placard or DP License Plates for all of their vehicles, for no additional fee. Find out if you are eligible and learn how to apply.

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New or replacement parking placards can now be ordered online!

You may qualify for a DP placard or DP License Plates if you have impaired mobility for any of these reasons:

Placards vs. License Plates

DP placards and DP License Plates grant you the same parking privileges. The difference is that license plates must stay permanently affixed to the vehicle for which they are issued, making them ideal for a disabled driver’s personal use. Placards, on the other hand, can be moved from one vehicle to another, making them a good option for a caregiver who transports a disabled person.

Types of DP placards:

Disabled Veterans (DV) License Plates

If you are a disabled veteran with a qualifying disability, you may be eligible for Disabled Veterans License Plates. DV License Plates exempt you from paying vehicle registration and license fees.

Applying for a DP Placard or DP License Plates

To apply for a DP placard:

To apply for DP License Plates:

Medical Provider’s Certification of Disability

You do not need a Medical Provider’s Certification of Disability under the following conditions:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the privileges of a DP placard or DP License Plates? plus minus

Once you have a valid DP placard or DP License Plates, you may park:

In addition to parking privileges, service stations must refuel a disabled person’s vehicle at self-service rates unless the service facility has only one employee on duty.

What are the limitations of a DP placard or DP License Plates? plus minus

You may not park:

Can I share my DP placard or DP License Plates? plus minus

It is important to remember that you are the only person who can use your DP placard or DP License Plates.

It is illegal to do the following (you may be subject to citation and fines):

Abusing your placard or license plates can result in the cancellation and revocation of the placard/plates and loss of the privileges they provide. It is also punishable by an applicable penalty. California Vehicle Code (CVC) §§1825, 4461, 4463, 21458, 22511.5, 22511.6, 22511.7, 22511.55, 22511.59, and Business and Professions Code §13660.

Do I need to renew my permanent DP placard? plus minus

Previously, permanent disabled parking placard holders would automatically receive a new placard through the mail every two years. Beginning in 2023, placard holders who have had a placard for six or more years are required to provide a signature to receive a new placard. DMV will mail you a renewal notice, and you can provide your signature to renew:

Once issued, a permanent DP placard does not require re-certification by your licensed medical professional.

How do I replace my DP placard if it's lost, stolen, or damaged? plus minus

You may obtain a substitute placard if your original (permanent or temporary) placard is lost, stolen, or damaged.

To get a substitute placard:

Mail completed application and fee (if applicable) to:

DMV Placard
PO Box 942869
Sacramento, CA 94269-0001

You will receive your parking placard approximately two to four weeks after you submit the application.

I have a wheelchair lift that obstructs the view of my rear license plate. Do you have window decals? plus minus

We offer free window decals for vehicles that have a wheelchair lift or carrier that obstructs the view of the rear license plate. The decal has a white background with black numbers and/or letters matching the vehicle license plate. Place the decal on the rear window of the vehicle.

To be eligible for a decal, one of the following must apply to you:

To apply for a decal, complete a Statement of Facts (REG 256) and mail it to:

Mail to:

Department of Motor Vehicles
Special Processing Unit
PO Box 932345 Mail Station D238
Sacramento, CA 94232-3450

Do not submit your application to a DMV office. The decal will be mailed to you within six-eight weeks.

Need something else?

DV License Plates

If you are a disabled veteran with a qualifying disability, you may be eligible for DV License Plates.

Make an Appointment

Some applications can be submitted at a DMV office near you. Make an appointment so you do not have to wait in line.

Update Your Address

Update the address you have on file with DMV to make sure we send your DP placard or DP License Plates to the right place.