University Policies A-Z

To search the titles of University Policies and/or Administrative Rules that have been approved by the ETSU Board of Trustees or its President, type in the search box below the word or words you believe to be in the title of the policy or rule . Please note, this search function does not search the content of the policies or rules; it only searches the titles of the policies or procedures.

Graduate School Enrollment and Graduation Policies

Graduate School Grading and Retention Policies

Graduate School Program Policies

Temporary Telecommuting Arrangements for Non-Faculty Employees Winter and Summer School Compensation Primary: Academic Secondary: Student

ETSU is in the process of updating its Policies. Prior to the establishment of the ETSU Board of Trustees, ETSU was subject to the policies of the Tennessee Board of Regents. Policies which have been approved through the Policy Development and Rulemaking process to date can be found using the search box above. TBR policies which ETSU adopted during the transition and which are currently under review can be found here.

Office of the President

East Tennessee State University

East Tennessee State University ( ETSU ) in Johnson City,

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